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Mystery Shopping-restaurants

Shoppers Anon - New Zealand Nundah, Brisbane

Job Description

We are seeking Shoppers to visit restaurants, with a friend or family member, for lunch or dinner and report on their experience, both food, surroundings and customer service. Shoppers must speak and write standard English. They must be able to manage their own information and reporting on our database. You will be paid $30 for your visit and report and reimbursed up to $50 for your meals. To apply to join Shoppers Anon send an email to [email protected]

  This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.

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Shoppers Anon - New Zealand

Member since: February 2024

Shoppers Anon is a Mystery Shopping company, working in Retail in New Zealand and Australia. Shoppers can apply direct on our database where they will have their own Portal Page to manage their own applications and reports. Shoppers are employed on a job by job basis. They must speak and write standard English and be familiar and competent with computers.
We will be going live for jobs in March 2024.

Retail & Consumer Products