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Murdoch University

About Murdoch University

  • Overall Ranking: 32nd out of 42 universities
  • Founded: 1973
  • Number of students: 16606
  • Official Website

Murdoch University Social Media Ranking

Social Media Platform Followers Rank
Instagram 11,800 31st out of 42 universities
Facebook 41,981 38th out of 42 universities
Twitter 16,500 23rd out of 42 universities
YouTube 2,750 31st out of 42 universities

Established in 1973 as the last of Australia’s five verdant or ‘gumtree’ universities, Murdoch University is situated 15km south of the Perth CBD, and is spread over approximately 227 hectares, making it one of the largest campuses in the Southern Hemisphere. It is named not after the Murdochs of media empire fame, but in honour of Sir Walter Murdoch, former Chancellor of the University of Western Australia. Historically over a third of the students have been international, many of whom are drawn in by the allure of the Asia Research Centre, established in 1991. As a proud member of Innovative Research Universities Australia, Murdoch University is a research-intensive institution.