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Swinburne University of Technology

About Swinburne University of Technology

  • Overall Ranking: 16th out of 42 universities
  • Founded: 1908
  • Number of students: 20864
  • Official Website

Swinburne University of Technology Social Media Ranking

Social Media Platform Followers Rank
Instagram 24,200 16th out of 42 universities
Facebook 273,308 11th out of 42 universities
Twitter 36,400 12th out of 42 universities
YouTube 6,260 20th out of 42 universities

In 1908 George Swinburne noted the lack of tertiary education opportunities in Melbourne’s eastern suburbs, and thus established Eastern Suburbs Technical College. Five years later it would bear his name, and 84 years later, in 1992, it would be granted university status. Swinburne has continued onward and upward ever since, now boasting two Melbourne campuses (Hawthorn and Prahran) and one in Malaysia. At various points and in various ranking systems SUT has been recognised as one of the best universities in the world for physics, art and design, mathematics and computer science.