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University of Divinity

About University of Divinity

University of Divinity Social Media Ranking

Social Media Platform Followers Rank
Instagram 271 42nd out of 42 universities
Facebook 2,180 42nd out of 42 universities
Twitter 1,009 41st out of 42 universities
YouTube 75 37th out of 42 universities

Upon its establishment in 1910, the Melbourne College of Divinity brought together representatives from the Baptist, Congregational, Methodist, Presbyterian and Church of England churches in an effort to provide tertiary level theological education to those who sought it. It did so for the ensuing century, adding more sects all the while, before being granted university status in 2011, becoming the University of Divinity. Working with a number of colleges around Australia to deliver its curriculum, this is an uplifting institution for its students, recording the highest satisfaction rating of any Australian university in recent times, with an almost unheard of score of 92.8. Divine indeed.