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Charles Darwin University

About Charles Darwin University

  • Overall Ranking: 34th out of 42 universities
  • Founded: 2003
  • Number of students: 20098
  • Official Website

Charles Darwin University Social Media Ranking

Social Media Platform Followers Rank
Instagram 6,649 38th out of 42 universities
Facebook 60,194 34th out of 42 universities
Twitter 10,000 31st out of 42 universities
YouTube 1,940 33rd out of 42 universities

The Northern Territory’s only local university, CDU was officially founded in 2003, though in reality it was the culmination of a long effort by the NT government that stretched back to the establishment of Darwin Community College in 1974. The uni has since proved an unbridled success, now boasting over 20,000 students spread across six distinct colleges, which cover everything from Business and Law to Nursing & Midwifery. CDU has eight satellite campuses across Australia, and has a particularly cosy relationship with Flinders University, the only other institution with a presence in the NT.